
Do Angle Grinder-Proof Bike Locks ACTUALLY Exist?

Angle-grinder man bicycle lock

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Bike theft has always been a challenge for cyclists, but these days, thieves are more brazen than ever, even whipping out angle grinders to swiftly sever locks in plain sight.

Bicycle thefts are mostly unreported, making it difficult to identify an exact number. Still, itโ€™s estimated that about four million bikes are stolen annually in Europe and over two million in the United States alone.

With the use of power tools to cut through locks, even in public spaces, being so common, we wanted to know whether angle grinder-proof locks exist and, if they do not, what cyclists can do to keep their bicycles secure.

Is There a Bike Lock That Can’t Be Cut with an Angle Grinder?

Well, thereโ€™s some bad news and good news. The bad news is that there arenโ€™t any bike locks that are entirely angle grinder-proof, but with technology rapidly advancing, multiple locks offer steel-tough protection, and there are many ways to keep your trusty steed safe from the grubby hands of bicycle thieves.

The new generation of bicycle locks is made from hardened material and designed to be very difficult and time-consuming to cut with an angle grinder.

These locks can deter thieves, as they are less likely to target a bike that is well-locked with a resistant lock.

Materials capable of resisting angle grinders are often too heavy or cumbersome for everyday use, making the lock less practical for cyclists. Additionally, enhancing a lock’s resistance usually increases its cost, making it less accessible for the average bike owner. This delicate balance between security and practicality remains a central dilemma in the development of theft-resistant bike locks.

Lock your bike

What Are the Best Locks Against Angle Grinder-Wielding Thieves

Products like Litelok and Hiplok are at the forefront of this innovation, offering cyclists enhanced protection against angle grinders. These locks are not only tougher on the material front but also more innovative. They alert owners to tampering attempts and provide the location of a stolen bike, thus significantly increasing the chances of recovery and deterring theft.

Recommendations from experienced bike owners highlight the effectiveness of the Litelok X3 and Hiplok D1000. These locks have demonstrated resilience in the face of angle grinder attacks, requiring multiple blade changes and considerable effort to cut through, thus significantly delaying thieves.

Anecdotes from bike owners, such as one person in London whose expensive e-bike was saved multiple times by the Hiplok lock, attest to their effectiveness. While these locks are not foolproof, they are formidable barriers against theft, often discouraging thieves from attempting a heist.

According to Reddit user, valdemarjoergensen, thieves are unlikely to take on Litelok X3 and Hiplok D1000 locks when there are other options around. Thieves will โ€œsee they are wearing their blade down by cutting the lock and move onโ€.

He added, โ€œThey are resistant to the point where you’ll be hard-pressed to find something to lock the bike to that isn’t easier to cut than the lock itself.โ€

  • Our rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Litelok X3

    Resists angle grinder attack by turning the grinder’s energy and force in on itself.

  • Our rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Hiplok D1000

    Withstands angle-grinder attacks at least 20x longer than standard D locks.

WATCH: The Litelok X3 Angle Grinder Cut Test

WATCH: The Hiplok D1000 Grinder Cut Test

Bike safety, double-lock your bicycle

Other Strategies to Beat Bike Thieves

Aside from investing in a resistant lock, there are several strategies bike owners can employ to deter thieves:

โ€ข Use Multiple Locks: Combining different lock models can complicate the theft process, making it more time-consuming and difficult for thieves to execute a quick steal.

โ€ข Locking Technique: Always lock your bike to a solid object as immovable and durable as the lock itself. Locking through both the frame and a wheel can leave the bike less maneuverable and more challenging to carry off if the lock is breached.

โ€ข Visibility and Location: Parking your bike in a well-lit, highly visible area can deter thieves, who prefer to work in shadows where they’re less likely to be noticed.

โ€ข Remove the Battery on E-bikes: Removing the battery on electric bikes when parked can make them less attractive and more difficult to steal.

โ€ข Additional Security Features: Consider using a GPS tracker, which, while it may not prevent theft, can help recover a stolen bike. Innovative locks that release a stinky, colorful fluid upon being cut have also emerged as a novel deterrent.

Ultimately, the goal is to make your bike a less appealing target than others in the vicinity. By employing a combination of high-resistance locks and smart locking strategies, bike owners can significantly reduce the risk of their bikes being stolen by angle-grinder-wielding thieves.

However, it’s important to remember that no matter how many measures you put in place, nothing is entirely foolproof, and a layered approach to bike security is always the best strategy.

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