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It’s become a well-documented issue that the lack of cycling provision in the UK is stark and, frankly, inexplicable.
And as our survey emphatically shows, this isn’t just felt among regular riders, either.
We asked 43 people whether they drive and cycle regularly, before putting the burning question to them: do they think there should be more bicycle lanes in their area?
Here’s what we found (click here to see our full results page):
Do you typically drive a car each month?
Answer | Number of Responses | % |
Yes | 18 | 42 |
No | 25 | 58 |

Do you typically ride a bike each month?
Answer | Number of Responses | % |
Yes | 8 | 19 |
No | 35 | 81 |

Do you think there should be more bicycle lanes in your area?
Answer | Number of Responses | % |
Yes | 33 | 77 |
No | 10 | 23 |

What’s noticeable here is that, despite the lack of regular car drivers or bike rides among the 43 who took our survey, the lack of cycling lines around them is still patently obvious.
Indeed, while only eight said they typically cycle on a monthly basis, a resounding 33 felt more should be done to accommodate cyclists on the roads.
And the same applied for drivers, too; even though the disparity was not as emphatic (18 regular drivers to 25 non-regular), this shows that not only those interested in cycling can see the lack of provision available.
So, will the number of bike lines increase soon?
Well, hopefully.
There are firm plans underway to spend £140 million on new cycle routes across the city of Manchester, and as the government’s substandard cycling provision becomes increasingly scrutinised, clamour for more bike lanes is clearly growing.
It may seem like wishful thinking at times, but better facilities for cyclists in the UK may not be as much of a pipe dream as they sometimes seem.
There will be plenty who will hope that is the case, though, as the rather damning results from our polls show.