Urban Cycling

12 Instagram Accounts That Cycling Lovers Need to Follow

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Struggling to stop thinking about the open road? Are you pulsating for a pedal? Latch onto some of these fine cycling specimens on Instagram for your daily fix of life on the saddle, get inspired by new ideas and look into some exciting cycling destinations.

Below is a run through of 12 of the best cycling accounts on Instagram (and don’t forget, you can follow us on Instagram with @discerningcyclist!)

Bicycle by the canal. #milan #cycling #bicycle #rideinstyle #bike #cyclingart #chiccyclist

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1) @Nolifelikethislife

His Instagram account name sums up the sort of content you’ll find from this intrepid two-wheeled explorer. The aim, according to the account’s website, is: “living an awesomely epic life on the go, and documenting those moments when you realise how beautiful it is”, and boy do they provide the pictures to back it up. Get ready for plenty of cycle stories, epic photography, art and culture!

New York is THRIVING this spring!!

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2) @Lachlanmorton

An Australian professional road cyclist with a good head of hair and an apparent lust for sweeping, breath-taking landscapes – Lachlan Morton is keen for you to join him on a journey around some of the world’s best routes. He also has an eye for capturing culinary delights he calls tour treats, so foodies keep your eye out.


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READ: Best Cycling Chinos for Men and Women

3) @Keirinberlin

Nothing quite says hipster like a Berlin cycle culture café, but you’ve got to credit keirinberlin. A bicycle store that serves coffee and fixes up beleaguered bikes, they examine all the quirks of why bike-lovers are the way we are. It provides interesting anecdotes on the evolution of cycling by referencing important social movements undertaken by campaigners. Watch out for fascinating artistic snaps of life on two wheels around Berlin and the rest of the world.

I hardly ever get #lostinBrandenburg but once I entered Sachsen-Anhalt I went the wrong way for what felt forever, luckily I found the Elberadweg ? Even though the initial plan for NYE didn’t work out ?✨ at least I escaped Berlin ☀️ It was a bitter cold, but very sunny day to ride my #trackbike on the last day of the year… Enjoy your evening and an adventurous 2017 is around the corner… Ride safe ?? and let’s #sttb ⚡?

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4) @Preferredmode

Knit together arty photography and chic New Yorkers on bicycles, and what do you get? Proof that cycling is cooler than mopeds is what. Featuring portraits of every day cyclists commuting across some of the city’s most famous streets and landmarks, @preferredmode captures a great selection of characters of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds, providing regular reminders of the wonderfully diverse nature of New York.

@supanovaslom rides a #Kenda low-rider red & gold twisted frame photographed at St. Felix St. and Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn at the Dance Africa Street Festival #bike #brooklyn #newyorkcity #bicycle #cycling #bikestyle #cyclestyle #streetstyle #preferredmode #schwinn #自転車 #自行车 #vélo #kerékpár #Fahrrad #bici #bicicleta #biciclo #fiets #bisiklet #bicicletta #bicyclette #cykel #ciclismo #ποδήλατο #rower #велосипед #รถจักรยาน

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5) @aunicornvomited

A pro-rider, aunicornvomited goes by the name of Sammi Runnels. Her passion for cycling is unrivalled judging by the first few pictures on her Instagram account, and you can follow her on a scintillating journey across the globe as part of her pro-biker duties. She cites fashion as an interest in a Q & A linked to her page, and her love of wild designs and flashy colours may help inspire your clothing conscience.

Did some laps around Prospect Park yesterday to open the legs up. It’s beautiful to see the trees in full bloom. ???? One more day till the race! What’s up New York! . . . . . #redhookcrit #aventon #aventonbikes #cyclingpics #fixie #fixielife #cyclingshots #cyclestyle #fixiegirl #ridebikes #ridelikeagirl #womenscycling

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6) @ladyvelo

Her real name is Jools Walker, and she presents The Cycle Show on ITV4 when she is not blogging, taking pictures, raising awareness and giving keynote speeches on all things cycling – Ste even interviewed her in 2013. A love of biking in style is apparent, and she’s an excellent follow to give for aspiring city cyclists out there looking for some stimulation.

#tbt: Being ? by @georgemarshallphoto (??) for @bicyclingmag back in 2015. Gotta say, my cyclestyle with @thecyclingstore was ON POINT that day ???? • #cyclestyle #cyclechic #ladyvelo #mystoryuk #bicycle #cycling #london #pashley #tattydevine

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7) @bradwiggins

It would be remiss of us not include Sir Brad. The titan of the Tour De France and 5 x Olympic Gold medallist also holds the world record for the most amount of distance covered in an hour…54.526km in case you were wondering. His Insta gives us plenty of insight into life after the Velodrome, and he scrubs up rather nicely too – owning a bike mod style that is beginning to gain traction.

A wet and windy day in 2014 #TBT #hashtag ☔️

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8) @jeredgruber

If ever there was a man to make you reach for the bike and head for the open road, it’s Jered Gruber. The professional cyclist regularly posts pictures of stunning landscapes, and makes nice viewing for those aching a bit of good old fashioned escapism.

Riding on piano keys. I love the music it makes.

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9) @SweetRideUSA

Living the dream is such a throwaway phrase nowadays, but it’s hard to argue that it’s exactly what Steve does with Sweet Ride USA. His mission is to burn off the amount of sweet, sugary, delicious desserts he eats and reviews for his web series Sweet Ride USA…by cycling. Based in Los Angeles, he encounters a vast amount of different cultures and interesting people, whilst uncovering hidden recipe gems for interested cookery buffs.

New York has basically turned into bike wonderland since I’ve been away. #bikenyc #nyc

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10) @behindhandlebars

If you love your city cycling, then this is the account for you. Featuring stunning shots of the world’s most famous and hidden cycling meccas, the account takes you behind the handlebars, as its handle suggests. A strong online community means more and more people are snapping their ‘behind the handlebars’ pictures from around the world, and boasts contributors all the way from Brisbane, Jarkarta and Colombia… a must for urban cyclist voyagers.

Life behind handlebars no. 566 – Smooth Sailing? ??? #behindhandlebars @gopro ______________________________________________________ Another shot from the quite alternative bike trip I enjoyed previous weekend. And that sunset though! ??

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11) @ihavethisthingwithbikes

Take your bike, station it in front of something cool or interesting and snap away – a simple concept, but one which attracts a lot of popularity on Instagram. With over 41.3k followers, the page professes to exhibit ‘all the best bikes from around the world’. There are bicycles of all different styles, colours, shapes and sizes that get their share of the limelight – and some of the pictures wouldn’t look out of place at an art gallery, thanks to plenty of clever camera wizardry.

? regram via @junekrasova ✌? keep tagging #ihavethisthingwithbikes ?

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12) @amsterdamcyclechic

It would be remiss of us not to include any Amsterdam-related account…given that it is still the bicycle capital of the world. Follow the city’s unique culture and help yourself understand why cycling is such a huge way of life and how it can work in other parts of the world. It’s also a nice escape for those flicking through their phones at work to see everyone’s favourite European city break given the bike tour treatment.

Fiets, friends, & four legged pals. ??? #squadgoals #citywomancycle

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